Team Building and Business Incoming

From 18 to 20 January ITINERE had the pleasure of organizing and managing two days of team building for Techem s.r.l., a leading company in the renewable energy sector.

Team building and incoming business on three days that brought together more than 130 employees, including employees and managers from the branches of Milan, Rome, Turin and Bolzano. After arriving at the Mediopadana High-Speed ​​Railway Station, a futuristic work of the famous architect Santiago Calatrava, a welcome lunch was organized to discover the local food and wine, with a menu designed down to the smallest detail and personalized for the important event. A pleasant meeting place that, combined with the comfortable and refined environment of the exclusive hotel on the outskirts of Parma, gave our guests a pleasant evening.

Before starting the team building the Techem team was able to enjoy a rich convivial moment to discover the local gastronomic excellences including Parmigiano Reggiano, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, Parma Ham, Salame di Felino and Culatello di Zibello, all accompanied by a excellent Lambrusco, the most exported sparkling red wine in the world.

The team building activity was developed based on the theme of art, the teams were given names of famous artists and the participants came into play venturing into two activities: repurposing famous paintings through body action and creating artistic frames with materials plastic and paper. A fun creative contest that has enhanced the diversity of each participant and strengthened the team spirit and sense of belonging. Alongside these moments of great aggregation, collaboration and experience have found space to explore the importance of team building activity, in order to draw positive ideas and lessons for the management of corporate life.

Team building e business incoming ITINERETeam building e business incoming ITINERETeam building e business incoming ITINERE

ITINERE’s goal is to offer an innovative service to support companies, guaranteeing precise, reliable and qualified help during the entire stay of their guests so that each visit can be remembered positively. High level management is ensured by the attention to every detail: team building activities, meal organization, booking of local transport, rail and overnight services. Attentions that have made it possible to ensure a pleasant stay with the aim not only of reinforcing the team spirit and of belonging to the company, but also linked to the discovery of the territory, food and wine, history and local culture.